Thursday, March 5, 2009

Teaching Background & Educational Philosophy

Beginning my teaching career in northeast America, I have had the distinct pleasure of teaching students at several different age levels including 4 years elementary school, 2 years middle school & 1 year High School. Since 2000, I have been living & teaching in Korea. In this time, I have gained the unique opportunity to understand the educational & social differences that exist between the American & Korean teaching systems. I have taught 1 year in a middle school, 2 at a naval college, 2 at a technical college & the last 5 years as a biology professor at a national university. These experiences have allowed me to understand the educational style used in Korea & how best to teach Korean students to adapt to the American educational approach.

My teaching philosophy centers around the best features of each. While I feel the Korean system can overwhelm students with testing & constant study, I believe the American system is too lax, leading to apathetic students who may not apply themselves or reach full potential. Students need to be given firm guidelines with their studies, but also enough independence within this framework to learn responsibility, creativity & the importance of approaching problems with open minds. Encouraging them to ask questions, take initiative & express opinions will empower these learners to not only find success as students, but gain the necessary skills & lasting confidence to carry them throughout their lives.

1 comment:

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